Sweet Corn
History of Corn
at Our Farm

When the Clough family opened Spring Ledge back in 1977, sweet corn was one of the first vegetable crops available at the farm along with our now famous tomatoes. That first year we grew only a few rows in a small field behind the farmstand. As the business has grown we’ve added more acreage for sweet corn to meet local demand. Today we grow 14 acres of sweet corn across a handful of local fields in New London. We have been very fortunate to have generous neighbors in town who allow us the use of their private fields in order to provide yummy sweet corn for the local community during the summer months. All Spring Ledge corn is grown well within a mile of our market!
We begin the growing process in mid-April by sowing more than 36,000 sweet corn plugs in our greenhouses. Those plugs are transplanted into the fields about three weeks later and provide the first ripe corn of the season. Directly seeded planting begins in early May and continue through early July. The corn harvest typically begins in late July in this area and stretches to Columbus Day weekend or later. We pick every day during the season to provide our customers with the freshest possible ear of corn.
We believe we have the best corn around due to the unique soils and altitude of our fields. We work hard to maintain that quality and to ensure good soil health and fertility for years to come. We utilize an Integrated Pest Management program (IPM) in which we seek to monitor and reduce damage to the crop from pests and disease in a responsible way; by using biological controls, manipulating habitat, modifying cultural practices, and by growing disease resistant corn varieties. Spring Ledge does not grow genetically modified corn. Soil health is improved and maintained by using annual crop rotation and cover crop techniques. Quality soil and responsible growing techniques ensure high quality sweet corn which translates to happy customers and happy farmers.
Jay is our corn grower, main fix-it-guy and pergola builder here at the farm.
He has been here on the farm growing and fixing since 2005.