Fruit & Veggie CSA
CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture.
Thank you for being a part of our community!

Skip to the front of the line with your curated weekly bag of the freshest vegetables, with simple recipes for inspiration. The weekly shares include a few standards: leafy greens, tomatoes, and fruits (blueberries, strawberries, etc.) are always in the shares if we can pick them for you. One bag during the peak of the 2021 season had: Strawberries, Cherry Tomatoes, Sweet Corn, Basil, Italian Pepper, Cauliflower, Celery, Swiss Chard, Mesclun Mix, and New Potatoes. The value of these bags is $30 a week, enough to provide the week's veggies for two people or supplement a family's vegetable needs. 2022 Summer CSA runs for 10 weeks:
June 21st through August 23rd
Pickups will be any time during the Tuesday of that week,
from 10 am when we open, until 6 pm when we close.
Pickups are at our farmstand in New London NH at 37 Main Street.