Fruit & Veggie CSA

CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture. Thank you for being a part of our community!
Summer 2021 CSA
Skip to the front of the line with your curated weekly bag of the freshest vegetables, with simple recipes for inspiration.
Health! Strawberries! Joy!
The weekly shares include a few standards: leafy greens, tomatoes, and fruits (blueberries, strawberries, etc.) are always in the shares if we can pick them for you. One bag during the peak of the 2020 season had:
Fall Strawberries
Cherry Tomatoes
4 Corn
Italian Pepper
Swiss Chard
Mesclun Mix
New Potatoes
And here's a picture of another
"I like the combination of veggies & fruits. It was perfect!"
-2019 member
"I am very happy with the CSA" . . ."it has exposed me to some new veggies/fruits"
-2019 member

Yum, right?
The value of these bags is $25 a week, which we find to be enough to be a bulk of the vegetable groceries for two people, or enough to supplement a family’s vegetable needs.
Summer 2021 CSA runs for 10 weeks: The first week is June 22nd and the last is August 24th.
Pickups will be any time during the Tuesday of that week, from 10am when we open, until 6pm when we close.
Pickups are at our farmstand in New London NH at 37 Main Street.
Oh, you're convinced? Well, we have just the thing:
If I’m going on vacation and will not be able to pick up my bag this week, what do I do?
First off, just let us know! You can either receive store credit for that week or "pay it forward" and have your bag be donated to the local food bank.
If you get in touch with us we can hold your bag into the following day, so if that helps your scheduling, please take advantage of that. Please note that bags are not stored in refrigeration, so the vegetables will not be as fresh.
Additionally, you can have someone else pick up your bag, they just need to give your name.
If none of these options will work for you, please email us and we will be happy to make sure you still receive the value of your bag!
What on Earth is a kohlrabi and how do I use it?
Each week we will send out an email detailing the items you will be receiving in your share. For any of the unusual produce, we’ll be sure to include an explanation as well as a few recipes. And even if it’s not unusual, we usually share our favorite recipes for what’s in your bag!